GROUP 11 - Music Video 2008/9

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

In this video 'Bijork - It's Oh So Quiet they' use a technique where shes singing twice as fast and then when they get back to editing it they slow it down so it looks like shes singing normally but everything else is in slow motion. We got the idea from this of singing in half the speed and then speeding it up so it looks like everything is moving really fast.

Another influence we have had is from the Drop video by The Pharcyde in this video they have reversed everything and made the band members sing and walk backwards so when its edited they look like there walking forward and singing normally, this is a technique we're going to try in our video but we're not going to do the singing because that would be to hard. we particularly liked the water bit where it all goes up so we're going to try and do this with hay. We're going to film doing this technique in a busy place so the crowds contrast the characters movement.

This 4 minute video called Esurio Admitto by a student is another video that influenced us to use the reverse technique.


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