GROUP 11 - Music Video 2008/9: Jades analysis of student video

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Jades analysis of student video

I watched a few student videos and settled on analysing group P1-03 'Getting away. I chose this because i found many positive points within the video.
Firstly the mise-en-scene is very effective, for example the video starts from within a house and shows the outside to show an ordinary town house, the location changes dramatically as it switches to a seaside, both the beach and the town shops etc. the change in location is great as it prevents bordem with its variety. The costume they wear are simple daily clothes as the song is representing the life of an ordinary couple. The camera shots are very good too, they vary in short and long shots mostly, for example there are quite a few close ups of the lead singer laying down on the sand and then switching to long shots of the couple.
The narrative is interesting also as the main singer is apparently 'invisible' to the couple and any other citizens within the video. Its as thought the main singer is singing about other peoples life, looking at them in an critical way. The only sound is that from the music track itself, its quite a mellow song, acoustic, but catchy and the words are easy to understand therefore the content of the video is also very simple to grasp and relate too.
the video is very simple with very little going on but the combination of things such as the effective narrative and different locations creates an interesting and well performed music video and it proves you dont need lots of cramped shots to make it sucsessfull.

This is the link to 'Getting away'



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